I've just had a phone call with one of my closest friends in high school over Skype. She's in Japan now and what I was told was the blooming love story she had with a senpai. Sounds like one in a shoujo manga right? But it's true. Of course, I can't tell you about that, but I will share you mine. HAHAHAHA I wonder how'd you react to this story that's never meant to be untold..
The sound of a slammed door woke her up. She took a deep breath as she rubbed her eyes.
“He didn’t even bid me goodbye~” Tsuki disappointedly sighed as she realized that Kazunari already left for work. The turned on TV and Wii caught her attention after she sat up. “But he can still kill sometime in his games before going to work.” she murmured then sadness became obvious on her face.
She rushed to the PC to feel better. Signed on twitter and read all the tweets she has on her page.
ilovenino: @osumi_tsuki Ohayou! ^^.
That simple tweet brought a smile on her face. She has this called ilovenino follower since last week and he kept on tweeting her nice words. Tsuki assumed that the follower is a just typical Arashi fan. A nino fan. A fanboy. And they start their friendly conversation which made Tsuki forget how she felt bad early that morning.
Kazunari hid his phone in his pocket as he saw Ohno approaching then he laid his hand on the backof his aching waist.
“Back ache?” Ohno worriedly asked.
“You must not push yourself too much. Rest for a while.” Ohno was pertaining to their rehearsals.
“No. It’s not because of that.”
“I carried Tsuki last night.” Kazunari explained.
Ohno threw him his questioning eyes.
“When I arrived home, I found her sleeping in front of her PC.”
Ohno gave a little laugh. “Both of you compliment each other huh. Is she that heavy?”
Kazu shook her head. “I stepped on something while carrying her. I lost my balance.”
“Is she okay?”
“Hai. I will never let her get hurt.”
“And so that is why you’re in pain now?”
Kazu heard his manager calling for him. “Later Riida!”
“Oh!” Ohno waved his hand.
“Tadaima~” Kazu announced.
“Okaeri.” Tsuki coldly welcomed him, eyes were on the PC.
“Don’t have classes?”
Tsuki shook her head.
“So what did you do all day?” Kazu was staring at her back.
“Nothing. Just let my eyes indulge on the Popcorn goods preview.” she said as she typed
@ilovenino BRB. Will do something.
Then pressed the enter key.
“Aah~ yeah. Today is the start of the sale.” Kazu hissed.
Tsuki glanced at him who was busy on his phone.
“How are the goods? Let me see the pictures?” uttered Kazu after he placed his phone on the table.
Tsuki looked at her computer and saw ilovenino’s latest tweet. Her eyes automatically widened.
@osumi_tsuki Okay. Daisuki da yo!
Her hand reacted quickly and covered the screen, Kazu was getting near. She moved his right hand to manage the mouse, her left still covering the screen.
Tsuki finally minimized her twitter and showed the goodies photos to Kazu.
Kazu nodded. “As expected from Arashi.” He faced Tsuki, narrowed his eyes “What’s on your twitter?”
“Huh?!” Tsuki nervously asked.
“Hiding something from me?”
Her heart started to race, “Wh-what should I hide from you? Why would I hide from you?” Tsuki stammered.
“Are you asking me?...or yourself? Oh well. I’m sure I have nothing to worry. You’re always be loyal to me right?”
Tsuki swallowed dryly then gave out a little smile at him.
She was walking on the street, head bent down. “Should I or I shouldn’t?” Tsuki repeatedly asked herself as she recalled the conversation she had with ilovenino.
:@ilovenino Bikkuri! What was that?
:@osumi_tsuki the daisuki thing?
:@ilovenino Hai~ ????????
:@osumi_tsuki it’s true. DAISUKI DA YO! Meet me at your favorite cafe tom. 18:00.
:@osumi_tsuki please come. (_ _) I’ll be wearing nino’s color.
Then Tsuki found herself in front of her favorite café.
“What were you thinking!!!!!” Ohno exclaimed at Kazu when he caught him using twitter at his phone.
“Don’t over react. I am just using this to get in touch with Tsuki.” Kazu explained.
“You guys are living under one roof. What’s the use of that? Let us say that you are too busy at work, but…emails and calls are still there.”
“I kno~w but you know I’m not that type. Besides, Tsuki is fond of it. She loves it actually. Just like how I love my games. She spends hours on it too. So I really studied this and that about twitter to be part of her online life.”
“But you’re part of her life. Her real life.” Ohno advised.
“Yeah I know, but since I’m an idol, we rarely go on dates because of paparazzi fears. We..well, just sometimes spends quality time at home. I can’t even fetch her at school or drive her somewhere she wants to go. Or hang out with her dearest friends. I want to be a part of everything she likes. Everything she loves. At least there.”
Ohno tapped his shoulder.
“Daijoubu riida~! The only one I follow is Tsuki and I’m using a fake name.”
“You should. And what is this follow thing?” Ohno inquired.
“Should I teach you? It’s quite fun you know, getting in touch with some fans without them knowing.” Kazu replied, giggling.
“Na-ah. You know that’s not my thing.” He refused.
Kazu recalled the talk he had with Riida as he sipped his ice cold coffee.
Tsuki entered the café, her eyes were too busy finding the possible ilovenino, a guy wearing something yellow. Then she found this guy wearing yellow shirt and a cap. His figure was quite familiar. When she went nearer to him, “YOU!!!!!???” she tried to tone down.
“What are you doing here?” Tsuki asked.
“Waiting for manager-san, Tsuki wa?” Kazu calmly responded.
Tsuki startled. “M-m-me?”
Kazu nodded.
“Just waiting for a friend.”
Kazu locked his eyes on her face, as if expecting something that would amaze him. “This guy called ilovenino?” he coolly asked.
Tsuki felt like a thunder struck her entire body. “How di….d you kn.. Don’t tell me you messed with my private life!” she immediately sat on the vacant seat in front of her boyfriend.
Kazu laughed at the reaction he got from her. “I can’t believe that I love someone who is slow like you.”
Tsuki narrowed her eyes at him.
“Don’t you get it? I love NINO? Yellow?” Kazu pulled his shirt a bit.
Tsuki eyes opened wide and she felt her heart racing. “You??! are ilovenino?” she confirmed.
And so Kazu gave out his multi-million worth smile.
Walking holding hands, Kazu and Tsuki were having their one of the happiest dates.
“You will not ask questions?”
Tsuki just shook her head that was resting on Kazu’s shoulder. “I’m too happy to know that you are him.”
“Tell me, you fall for ilovenino right?”
“Almost.” she honestly answered.
Kazu laughed.
Tsuki paused from walking. Glance at her boyfriend.
“Isn’t it funny? You almost fell for the same person.” Kazu held her both cheek.
“Tch~” Tsuki removed his hands.
“So you enjoyed fooling me huh?!”
“What why?” Tsuki asked.
“Why did you almost fall for him?”
“Because ilovenino is yasashii to me. Unlike someone I know.” she glared at him. “Besides, there are times when his words really lifted my spirit.”
“Like when?”
“Like yesterday. He greeted me good morning.”
“And what’s so special with that?” Kazu was curious.
“Because you didn’t greet me. I really felt bad that day.” Tsuki pouted.
“I did! I said it softly so I’ll not disturb your deep sleep.” he explained. “You don’t even know what pain you brought me the night before.” he added in whisper and rubbed his waist.
“I said, I even kissed you good morning.” Kazu changed the words he murmured.
“But you didn’t kiss me goodbye.” she crossed her arms.
“Why would I? If after just a few..well maybe sometimes long..hours I can be with you again?” Kazu said. “I hate saying goodbye as well.”
“Eh?! I didn’t know that. Liar! You say goodbye to your friend and colleagues.” Tsuki defended.
“To them yes. But what I hate is.. saying goodbye to you.”
That brought unexplainable happiness to Tsuki.
Once again, Kazu held her face with his both hands.
“I can’t even imagine saying that to you, not even once, not today, not tomorrow, and not forever.”
Yes, I was that "Tsuki". This is written by a friend of mine who's already like a family to me, Tita Paula.
This was from November 2012.
Though I should share this on my blog when I stumbled on it in one of my e-mails.
Would this ever happen to me? ;;
Take me to Japan~ I wanna experience this kind of love, too 😭 Same as the one "M" (the friend in Japan) experienced. Well not exactly but I want to find someone who will love me as I am too.
Alright, enough. As I always say, I don't need a love life - I can just get by with these "love life" with my fandom (tho sometimes, it's kinda tiring to know that it's always one-sided 😢 esp when people even emphasize it in your face), watching romantic dramas and flicks and listening to stories of love. I guess I'm already satisfied experiencing the emotions second or third hand. Well, there's hope in the littlest of things, so we never know, maybe Kento is the destined one for me. 😜 I just have to wait.. Just kidding! If someone would make me feel all those I felt in the dramas and mangas, then maybe I can dive into the love life everyone speaks of. We'll see if someone's worth the try, even if they're not the idols and artists, or the ideal I've been looking for.